Author Archives: orrynemrys

Pathfinder: Zeitgeist Episode 9

thinkingmantavernThe Metagamers Anonymous Zeitgeist campaign continues as the PC’s look into the life and crimes of Nilasa Hume, their mysterious vic from the Danoran Consulate.  They quickly discover that Nilasa led a complicated life, dealing with local criminals and allying herself with the ecoterrorist Gale.  Unforunately, the PCs may have to dig deep to find the answers to her recent demise…  This is the ninth session of the Zeitgeist: Gears of Revolution adventure path from EN Publishing, recorded live at the game table with minimal editing and all the joys of rustling chip bags and clattering dice.  If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our other Actual Play episodes.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Savage Worlds: Project Z Episode 12

sdrvzmbieThis session begins as the PCs arrive at Jargon’s hideout overlooking the river, intending to rescue the governor and the doc.  Predictably, chaos erupts even as they arrive on site, and they soon find that they are no longer alone in the Gaiten District… The game is a post-apocalyptic survival horror adventure using the Welcome to Mortiston, USA! campaign scenario. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore the previous episodes in the series. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters. If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Pathfinder: Zeitgeist Episode 8

HumesGateThe Metagamers Anonymous Zeitgeist campaign picks up a couple months after the events on Axis Island. The PCs’ RHC squad has new blood, and the inspectors are dispatched to investigate a death and attempted theft at the Danoran Consulate.  Of course, they quickly discover that not everyone is being entirely honest about the morning’s events…  This is the eighth session of the Zeitgeist: Gears of Revolution adventure path from EN Publishing and the first session of the second installment, The Dying Skyseer, recorded live at the game table with minimal editing and all the joys of rustling chip bags and clattering dice.  If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our other Actual Play episodes.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Savage Worlds: The Obsidian Crown Episode 15

orcbattle1The fifteenth episode of The Obsidian Crown finds Kindyn returning from near-death to find the eastern encampment only hours from an encroaching orcish horde.  Henry, meanwhile, dispatches orders to try and repel the invading force and soon discovers the truth behind the treacherous behavior of his compatriots…  The Obsidian Crown is an adventure scenario featuring elements of horror, intrigue, and warfare set in a unique fantasy world. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our previous Actual Play episodes. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters, and the campaign is managed using Lone Wolf’s Realm Works campaign management software.  If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Savage Worlds: The Obsidian Crown Episode 14

homesteadThe fourteenth episode of The Obsidian Crown finds Henry rejoining the Wolf’s Head and assuming command in the midst of a tense situation with Castle Ranen to the west.  The heroes soon find themselves at odds, however, while darkness lurks in the hills of southern Anterrus…  The Obsidian Crown is an adventure scenario featuring elements of horror, intrigue, and warfare set in a unique fantasy world. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our previous Actual Play episodes. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters, and the campaign is managed using Lone Wolf’s Realm Works campaign management software.  If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Savage Worlds: The Obsidian Crown Episode 13

barrowsThe thirteenth episode of The Obsidian Crown finds Henry separated from the Lord Captain and leading a group south to join the army.  Sharia and Kindyn seem intent on pulling the party’s focus in different directions, whilst their newest companion, an archer called Caine, emanates a general sense of unease as he follows the heroes deeper into the moors.  They soon learn that more than mere ghosts haunt the Eastern Steppes, however, and the sudden appearance of orcish raiders hints at a far deeper threat that only the grizzled veteran of the host seems to truly appreciate…  The Obsidian Crown is an adventure scenario featuring elements of horror, intrigue, and warfare set in a unique fantasy world. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our previous Actual Play episodes. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters, and the campaign is managed using Lone Wolf’s Realm Works campaign management software.  If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Pathfinder: Zeitgeist Episode 7

The ShipsThe Metagamers Anonymous Zeitgeist campaign continues as the PCs make their way to the inner fortress on Axis Island to confront the duchess and rescue the wayward tiefling noble, Nathan Jierre.  Their mettle is tested, however, when another entity makes for the tower, his dark purpose entirely unknown but with a clear sense of menace as he leaves a trail of bodies in his wake…  This is the seventh session of the Zeitgeist: Gears of Revolution adventure path from EN Publishing and the final session of the first installment, The Island at the Axis of the World, recorded live at the game table with minimal editing and all the joys of rustling chip bags and clattering dice.  If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our other Actual Play episodes.  This is our group’s very first Pathfinder game!

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Savage Worlds: Project Z Episode 11

burningbuildingThis session picks up the action following an ambush that left the PCs gassed and confused, wherein the governor and the doctor were kidnapped!  Meanwhile, Missy takes advantage of the confusion to drag Deckard off on a quest to rescue her youngest son, only to encounter trouble before they can even leave the southern part of town… The game is a post-apocalyptic survival horror adventure using the Welcome to Mortiston, USA! campaign scenario. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore the previous episodes in the series. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters. If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Pathfinder: Zeitgeist Episode 6

The DocksThe Metagamers Anonymous Zeitgeist campaign continues as the PCs strive to hold the lighthouse against the Duchess’s forces as they sweep us the Sea Wall from the fortress.  As Flox works on dismantling the control system so that the Sea Gate will remain open, her companions build a barricade to slow the approach of enemy troops and take up defensive positions near the lighthouse.  But Risuri loyalties will soon be put to the ultimate test…  This is the sixth session of the Zeitgeist: Gears of Revolution adventure path from EN Publishing, recorded live at the game table with minimal editing and all the joys of rustling chip bags and clattering dice.  If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our other Actual Play episodes.  This is our group’s very first Pathfinder game!

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Pathfinder: Zeitgeist Episode 5

Inside the Sea GateThe Metagamers Anonymous Zeitgeist campaign continues as the PCs take to the top of the Sea Wall and make their way to the gates, intent on opening the way for the Risuri fleet whilst their erstwhile allies set fires throughout the fortress to keep their hosts otherwise occupied.  The mission is far from easy, however, with enemy soldiers manning the approach…  This is the fifth session of the Zeitgeist: Gears of Revolution adventure path from EN Publishing, recorded live at the game table with minimal editing and all the joys of rustling chip bags and clattering dice.  If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our other Actual Play episodes.  This is our group’s very first Pathfinder game!

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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