Category Archives: Savage Worlds

Savage Worlds: The Obsidian Crown Episode 16

battlefieldbannerThe sixteenth episode of The Obsidian Crown rejoins Lord Captain Daniel Mortlock and his trusted companions far to the north of their armed encampment in the mage city of Arigos.  Meanwhile, Henry prepares for a parlay with the infamous Duke Ranen, hoping to somehow convince the nobleman to join forces to face an oncoming horde of orcish invaders….  The Obsidian Crown is an adventure scenario featuring elements of horror, intrigue, and warfare set in a unique fantasy world. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our previous Actual Play episodes. The system is Savage Worlds. Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters.  If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


Posted in Obsidian Crown, Savage Worlds | 1 Comment

Savage Worlds: Project Z Episode 12

sdrvzmbieThis session begins as the PCs arrive at Jargon’s hideout overlooking the river, intending to rescue the governor and the doc.  Predictably, chaos erupts even as they arrive on site, and they soon find that they are no longer alone in the Gaiten District… The game is a post-apocalyptic survival horror adventure using the Welcome to Mortiston, USA! campaign scenario. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore the previous episodes in the series. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters. If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Savage Worlds: The Obsidian Crown Episode 15

orcbattle1The fifteenth episode of The Obsidian Crown finds Kindyn returning from near-death to find the eastern encampment only hours from an encroaching orcish horde.  Henry, meanwhile, dispatches orders to try and repel the invading force and soon discovers the truth behind the treacherous behavior of his compatriots…  The Obsidian Crown is an adventure scenario featuring elements of horror, intrigue, and warfare set in a unique fantasy world. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our previous Actual Play episodes. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters, and the campaign is managed using Lone Wolf’s Realm Works campaign management software.  If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Savage Worlds: The Obsidian Crown Episode 14

homesteadThe fourteenth episode of The Obsidian Crown finds Henry rejoining the Wolf’s Head and assuming command in the midst of a tense situation with Castle Ranen to the west.  The heroes soon find themselves at odds, however, while darkness lurks in the hills of southern Anterrus…  The Obsidian Crown is an adventure scenario featuring elements of horror, intrigue, and warfare set in a unique fantasy world. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our previous Actual Play episodes. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters, and the campaign is managed using Lone Wolf’s Realm Works campaign management software.  If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Savage Worlds: The Obsidian Crown Episode 13

barrowsThe thirteenth episode of The Obsidian Crown finds Henry separated from the Lord Captain and leading a group south to join the army.  Sharia and Kindyn seem intent on pulling the party’s focus in different directions, whilst their newest companion, an archer called Caine, emanates a general sense of unease as he follows the heroes deeper into the moors.  They soon learn that more than mere ghosts haunt the Eastern Steppes, however, and the sudden appearance of orcish raiders hints at a far deeper threat that only the grizzled veteran of the host seems to truly appreciate…  The Obsidian Crown is an adventure scenario featuring elements of horror, intrigue, and warfare set in a unique fantasy world. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our previous Actual Play episodes. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters, and the campaign is managed using Lone Wolf’s Realm Works campaign management software.  If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Savage Worlds: Project Z Episode 11

burningbuildingThis session picks up the action following an ambush that left the PCs gassed and confused, wherein the governor and the doctor were kidnapped!  Meanwhile, Missy takes advantage of the confusion to drag Deckard off on a quest to rescue her youngest son, only to encounter trouble before they can even leave the southern part of town… The game is a post-apocalyptic survival horror adventure using the Welcome to Mortiston, USA! campaign scenario. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore the previous episodes in the series. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters. If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Savage Worlds: The Obsidian Crown Episode 12

tavern300The twelfth episode of The Obsidian Crown finds our heroes on the road north across a seemingly cleansed stretch of moors, their passage blessed by the restless spirits of olde finally seeking their rest.  Before long, Lord Captain Daniel Mortlock and his companions reach the township of Gideon along the Old King’s Highway and take a moment to soak up the provincial air of their country cousins at a cheery inn…  The Obsidian Crown is an adventure scenario featuring elements of horror, intrigue, and warfare set in a unique fantasy world. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our previous Actual Play episodes. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters, and the campaign is managed using Lone Wolf’s Realm Works campaign management software.  If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Savage Worlds: The Obsidian Crown Episode 11

burningvillagesThe eleventh episode of The Obsidian Crown finds our heroes returning to Danin’s Watch with the rescued women well in hand.  But the danger from the wood is not entirely passed, and the heroes soon face a new and more difficult challenge if they hope to save the village from a nightmarish fate…  The Obsidian Crown is an adventure scenario featuring elements of horror, intrigue, and warfare set in a unique fantasy world. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our previous Actual Play episodes. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters, and the campaign is managed using Lone Wolf’s Realm Works campaign management software.  If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Savage Worlds: The Obsidian Crown Episode 10

vanhelsThe tenth episode of The Obsidian Crown finds our heroes facing down the fey spirits of the Mistwood in attempt to save the women of Danin’s Watch and put a stop to the machinations of the Night Walker…  The Obsidian Crown is an adventure scenario featuring elements of horror, intrigue, and warfare set in a unique fantasy world. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore our previous Actual Play episodes. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters, and the campaign is managed using Lone Wolf’s Realm Works campaign management software.  If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


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Savage Worlds: Project Z Episode 10

stalker300As the PCs prepare to embark on their next endeavor, a familiar voice reaches out across the city to throw a wrench into Dekkard’s plans for languishing in relative comfort while the apocalypse happens around him. Meanwhile, the doc’s drug addiction and the governor’s schemes create a rift in the group that may soon spell disaster… The game is a post-apocalyptic survival horror adventure using the Welcome to Mortiston, USA! campaign scenario. If you enjoy this episode, we  recommend you explore the previous episodes in the series. The system is Savage Worlds.  Players use Hero Lab to manage their characters. If you are interested in online gaming with Savage Worlds, you might also consider Google Hangouts and Roll20.

The Metagamers Anonymous Actual Play series is sponsored by Lone Wolf Development, makers of Hero Lab, and Plate Mail Games!


Posted in Project Z, Savage Worlds | 3 Comments